Unfortunately, the progress of civilization in the world is getting worse in terms of the development of allergies. It is for this reason that more and more people go to a specialist who is an Allergologist.
Allergist – a medical specialist who specializes in allergic diseases, i.e. diseases caused by allergens, i.e. through factors causing allergy. Allergist can also help diagnose or treat asthma because he is trained in this field.
Allergy – when there is a substance around us, such as bee venom, hair, e.g. dog’s hair, pollen floating in the air or food that has a tendency to sensitize, e.g. nuts come into contact with the immune system, which produces antibodies.
If an allergen collides, the following symptoms may occur with the immune system:
- Skin inflammation
- Sinus pain
- Inflammation of the respiratory tract
- Inflammation of the digestive system
Who is most at risk of developing asthma and allergies?
These two diseases can attack everyone, no matter how old we are, what gender we are, but nevertheless most cases occur in children. Nevertheless, allergy or asthma may return, for example, at the age of 4, and then disappear, and at the age of 50, the disease returns.
Unfortunately, so far unknown to us are the genetic factors that may affect allergy or asthma, but there are some factors that may affect the appearance of asthma or allergies, and these are:
Cigarette smoke
Irritating factors from the environment.
Alergia i jej 4 główne rodzaje
Alergia pokarmowa
Regardless of age, an allergy can strike, and in children it is usually an allergy to products such as strawberries, cow’s milk or eggs. Adults, on the other hand, may be allergic to products such as nuts, seafood, celery, some spices, fish, and grains. The symptoms of this type of allergy occur most often in the digestive system, which results in vomiting, nausea, skin blemishes or cramps. When choosing an allergist, the most likely form of treatment may turn out to be an elimination diet, which allows you to detect allergenic food and reduce the existing symptoms. Often, as part of treatment, the doctor may recommend taking antihistamines, a glucocorticosteroid. However, in very severe cases, allergist may recommend taking steroids.
Contact allergy
This allergy can only be seen as itching of the skin in the area where the allergen has come into contact. In slightly more difficult / severe cases, symptoms and clear changes may occur over a large area of the skin, which most often need to be treated by an allergist and dermatologist.
It is distinguished by the most allergenic materials such as chrome and nickel, which is really found in many places such as:
elements as buckles for trouser belts
tattoo inks
henna for dyeing e.g. eyebrows
The main recommendations from the doctor may be to eliminate the factors that cause allergies, to apply appropriate care, which is individually adjusted by allergist, the use of urea or salicylic acid ointments may be a good solution.
Inhalation allergy
Untreated inhalation allergy is more dangerous than it seems – it can cause asthma, and in extreme cases of complications, hearing loss.
This type of ailment increases with the arrival of spring, when the pollen season begins, but there are more all-year causes.
The inhaled variant, if left untreated, is more dangerous than it seems – it can cause asthma and, in extreme cases, as a result of complications, hearing loss.
Sensitizing allergens are proteins that enter the body, as the name suggests, through the respiratory system.
Inhalation allergy increases with the arrival of spring, when the pollen season begins.
Most often they sensitize wind-pollinated plants, that is, plants that are pollinated by the wind, belong
to them trees and shrubs such as: ash, birch, poplar or alder, as well as mugwort and plantain.
Year-round causes of inhalation allergies are dust mites that inhabit our homes.
Dust mites are tiny spider veins whose feces cause allergies. Their favorite places to live are bedding, carpets, toys.
Unfortunately, another of the main reasons for allergies is our beloved four-legged family, namely their hair. Among animals, allergies to cats, dogs and rodents are the most problematic.
This allergy is most often manifested by:
runny nose
Tearing, swelling of the eyes
Sinus headaches
Fatigue, trouble sleeping
Scratching the throat.
After noticing any of these symptoms, you should make an appointment with an Allergologist as soon as possible for appropriate tests and treatment. In the case of inhalation allergy, appropriate antiallergic drugs are most often used.
You should use drugs prescribed by an Allergologist, most often these are drugs from the following groups:
antihistamines (to fight histamine and relieve anxiety)
glucocorticosteroids (anti-inflammatory drugs for acute symptoms, used under the supervision of an allergist)
cromons (in other words, relieving symptoms, nasal or eye drops).
Injection allergy
Injectable allergens are those caused by an intervention by the venom, for example from the stings of a wasp or other venomous animal, as well as by injection of a substance. This type of allergy is very dangerous.
An allergic reaction is usually immediate, and it is concerned with swelling, itching and can be fatal.