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Heart disease and cardiovascular disease – how to prevent it? Moving is healthy!

Movement is health – prevention of heart diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

Heart and circulatory system diseases are the main cause of death in Poland and in the world. Their development continues for many years, without any alarming symptoms. Among the group of heart and cardiovascular diseases, the most common is arterial hypertension, which affects 1/3 of Poles. By definition, we are talking about this disease when the systolic blood pressure remains above 140 mmHg for a long time and the diastolic blood pressure remains above 90 mmHg. Hypertensive disease is a chronic disease with periods of exacerbation and improvement, which may be life-threatening as a result of heart attacks, blindness or kidney damage.
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Another serious disease is atherosclerosis, which results in the narrowing of the lumen of the arteries due to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque made mainly of cholesterol. Reduced blood flow due to the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques growing out of the lumen of the arteries can lead to hypoxia in various internal organs and, consequently, to necrosis. Blockage of blood flow in the vessels carrying blood to the legs, brain and heart muscle is a particular risk. The result of these changes in more serious cases may be a stroke or myocardial infarction.

Heart disease and cardiovascular disease – prevention methods:

Prevention brings much more benefits in many areas of social life than the treatment of many diseases. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases should be implemented from an early age, as research clearly indicates a reduced risk of civilization diseases in later years. Risk factors that can lead to serious health problems throughout our lives include:

  • inadequate diet,
  • little physical activity,
  • smoking tobacco,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • abnormal body weight,
  • stress,
  • inappropriate blood pressure due to many reasons and many others.

The implementation of healthy habits in the everyday lifestyle gives us a chance to avoid more serious consequences in the form of a disease that develops “silently”.

In order to wipe out the dangers of inadequate lifestyle, you should follow, among others, the following tips:

  • Regular and healthy eating – the diet should be varied and balanced in such a way as to provide the body with all the necessary ingredients that will allow you to stay healthy and fit for many years. Therefore, it should be rich in fruits and vegetables as well as in whole grains, and low in products containing saturated fatty acids (mainly of animal origin). The menu should contain as little confectionery as possible (rich in simple sugars), such as biscuits, donuts, some hard margarines, butter, fatty meat and cold cuts, fast food (burgers, fries). Following these recommendations will help you maintain a relatively constant blood glucose level, reduce insulin resistance and the risk of developing excess weight. In addition, we will avoid the so-called qualitative malnutrition (which results, for example, from a deficiency of vitamins and microelements). It is worth noting here that from the scientific point of view, the healthiest diet is currently the Mediterranean diet – which is confirmed by numerous scientific studies.
  • Limiting alcohol consumption – the consumption of alcohol is not recommended by doctors, because in general the negative effects of its consumption far outweigh the benefits.
  • Quitting smoking – smoking causes changes in almost the entire body, leading to premature death. Passive smoking, i.e. being in an environment where other people smoke, increases the risk of coronary heart disease and death from it by about 20%.
  • Systematic physical activity – is the basis of effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases, mental diseases, diabetes and many others. It allows you to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels at the appropriate level and thus reducing blood flow resistance. In people with impaired lipid metabolism, very beneficial changes occur due to exercise, causing an increase in HDL cholesterol, having antiatherosclerotic properties. The heart, like every muscle, needs systematic daily training, which should last at least 30 minutes. What form of exercise it will be will depend on the ability and condition of the person. Moderate intensity exercise is recommended. In the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, endurance effort is recommended, such as jogging, walking, cycling, roller-skating or swimming.

Canoeing is also an excellent form of exercise, it does not require special skills, and allows you to rest mentally, affect your well-being, and most importantly, strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation. Kayaking away from the hustle and bustle of cities, among nature, improves your mental condition, relaxes and last but not least: gives you a chance to get rid of the so-called unnecessary kilograms and to strengthen the muscles of the entire body. Would you like to start an unforgettable adventure and at the same time take care of your health? We invite you for kayaking trips in Małopolska:

The benefits of sports for the cardiovascular system include:
  • decrease in heart rate at rest, i.e. heart rate,
  • reducing stress,
  • improved well-being,
  • prevention of blood clots in the blood vessels due to increased blood flow
  • reducing the frequency of coronary pain in sick people.
  • Cholesterol control – elevated levels of cholesterol and its LDL fraction promote the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Blood sugar control – with incorrect blood sugar values, metabolic disorders occur, which favor the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Using the “Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases by the National Health Fund” – a doctor will interview you and refer you to tests (blood pressure measurement and biochemical tests). Then, on their basis, the doctor will assess the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular diseases and will indicate, depending on the needs, further recommendations and prescribe possible treatment.


Conducting primary prevention, i.e. promoting a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important tasks of doctors, because properly conducted health promotion and prophylaxis significantly improves the quality and length of life of patients. Preventive programs should be implemented from an early age among the general population, because as research shows, physically active people free from addictions are less likely to suffer from for diseases of the heart and circulatory system. Exercise, regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet do not cost us much, and can significantly extend our health and life!


  1. Piotr Jankowski, Principles of the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in 2018, Invasive Cardiology No. 5 (12), YEAR 2017
  2., Program for Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases (CHUK)
  3. D. Maciąg, K. Grzegorska, M. Cichońska, J.T. Marcinkowski, Prevention of cardiovascular diseases in primary health care

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