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Mumps – the most common disease in children between the ages of 5 and 9, but adults are also a group at risk of developing the disease. Mumps is a viral disease, i.e. common inflammation of the parotid glands. Mumps is spread through:
Touch and contact with objects used by the sick person, e.g. using the same set of cutlery or drinking from the same bottle.
By droplets during a conversation with a sick person or by sneezing or coughing.
The history of the mumps
1967 is the year the world was in the pre-mumps vaccine period. The lack of vaccine caused widespread disease, which could be observed at various times, approximately every 3 to 4 years as the disease increased. The introduction of compulsory vaccination in Poland in 2004 resulted in a huge drop in the incidence. Despite the development of medicine and the growing awareness of the society, over 2,000 people suffer from mumps every year. The period in which mumps occurs most often is definitely the autumn and winter period.
There are many symptoms of mumps disease, but it is worth remembering that about 20-35% of the population, people infected with mumps have the disease completely asymptomatic. The early symptoms of mumps include:
Temporary or complete loss of appetite
Bad mood
After the early symptoms, you may experience another stage of symptoms that may be more indicative of the possibility of being sick with mumps. It could be:
Increase in fever
Large swelling and pain when touching the parotid glands – most often the first symptoms affect only one side, and then the pain and swelling attack both sides
A dry mouth feeling due to the limited amount of saliva you produce
Acute earache
Feeling difficult eating
The rite with the feeling of pain in the submandibular and sublingual glands
INTERESTING: During the disease, try to limit the consumption of acidic products and food drinks, because the swelling in the area of the saliva may decrease after 3-4 days, but eating acidic products may cause pain and swelling.
The causes of the disease
A virus from the paramyxovirus family that causes. Infection occurs when a virus enters the body through the mouth. Later, the virus multiplies in the mucous membranes and finally travels through the bloodstream throughout the body. The period from 14 to 24 days is the moment when the disease emerges, but a sick person can become contagious after 7 days from becoming infected.
Diagnosis process
Due to the fact that the disease affects young children more often, we should try to observe the occurring and disturbing symptoms, and then we should immediately see a doctor. After all, let’s remember that not only our child may be sick, but also ourselves. After you go to the doctor with a detailed examination, your doctor may recommend some additional tests to help determine the disease. The most common tests performed when mumps are suspected are:
Serological examination
Urine test
Blood test
Biochemical study
Virus isolation from urine or blood
The way to cure mumps is symptomatic treatment, i.e. the use of antipyretic and analgesic drugs. Natural remedies to relieve symptoms along with treatment include:
Rinse mouth regularly together with the mouth
Avoiding acidic foods and drinks
Drinking water frequently
Heat compresses on the sore body part
In order not to spread the disease, the patient should be isolated for a period not shorter than 9 days. Despite attempts to eradicate mumps with antibiotics and other drugs, this type of treatment has proved unsuccessful. Swine is one of the few diseases that goes away on its own.
Mumps in children is usually milder than in adults, so children are also at low risk of developing complications. Adults who suffer from the disease are exposed to complications, mainly related to the reproductive system. Over the years, different types of complications have been identified:
Pancreatitis – affects about 10%. Accompanied by dull pain in the epigastric area, which may radiate to the back area. There may also be vomiting or diarrhea. You may experience elevated temperature, along with chills.
Inflammation of the meninges and the brain – in difficult cases it causes hydrocephalus, deafness and epilepsy.
Inflammation of the testicle and epididymis on one or both sides – noticeable pain, significant enlargement, but not threatening with infertility.
Inflammation of the ovary, unilateral or bilateral – painful, but not infertile.
INTERESTING: Getting sick with mumps at any age leaves immunity for life.
Vaccination, which is available in Poland, eliminates the likelihood of falling ill. It is also worth adding that the mumps vaccination is mandatory for children. Vaccination is performed as a combination vaccination, i.e. it contains many components. Giving your child the vaccine causes immunity to three diseases: measles, mumps and rubella. The current vaccination schedule recommends vaccination at the age of 13-14 months, and the next dose at 10 years of age.