Psoriasis – what is this disease?
Psoriasis is a long-term autoimmune disease. It causes aggregation of skin cells. This leads to its peeling. Scales are white-silver and develop into thick red patches that can rupture and bleed.
As a result of the increased production of skin cells, their life cycle is significantly shortened. The skin cells grow deep beneath the skin’s surface and, over time, come out. In psoriasis, this process is significantly shortened, which in turn causes the accumulation of skin cells on its surface.
Scales are most often formed around joints (elbows, knees), but they can include:
- hands
- feet
- neck
- face
- torso
- genitals
- nails
- mouthta
Psoriasis and its types
There are 5 types of psoriasis. They differ in appearance or place of occurrence.
This type is the most common (up to 80% of all cases). The symptom is red inflammatory patches. They are covered with silver and white scales, gills. They most often include the elbows, knees and scalp.
It often occurs in children. It is characterized by small pink spots. It most commonly affects the torso, arms and legs. These spots are not as convex and thick as in the plaque variety.
It occurs in adults. White, purulent blisters appear on the skin, and the skin is red. Pustular psoriasis affects a small area of the body (hands, feet), but can also cover a larger area.
The skin is shiny, inflamed and red. The stains can be found in the armpits, under the breasts, in the groin or around the genitals.
It is the most dangerous type , fortunately very rare. It occurs over a large area. The skin looks like after sunburn, it can flake off in large patches. A person with this type of psoriasis may have a fever and may be difficult. This type can even lead to death, so you need to be monitored urgently and if you notice any disturbing symptoms, you should contact your doctor quickly.
Symptoms of psoriasis
They are different and depend on the type that is present. The affected area may be tiny (a few flakes on the head or elbows) or cover the entire body.
The characteristic symptoms are:
- red, raised, inflamed spots
- white-silver scales or gills on red patches
- dry skin, leading to cracking and bleeding
- soreness around the cuticles
- itchy skin and burning sensation
- thick nails with dimples
- painful, swollen joints
Most people go through the disease in stages, repeated cycles. Strong symptoms may appear for a few days or weeks, then disappear and attack again in the next few weeks.
Can we catch psoriasis?
It is not a human to human disease. Touching another person’s psoriasis will not make you develop the disease.
What causes psoriasis?
No clear causes of the disease are known, however, thanks to many years of research, doctors talk about 2 factors. Firstly, it’s genetics, and secondly, it’s resistance.
Immune system
Is the result of the body attacking its own tissues. White blood cells known as T cells mistakenly attack the skin cells.
Some people inherit genes that make psoriasis more likely. If you have an immediate family member with a skin condition, your risk of developing is greater. However, the percentage of people with psoriasis and a genetic predisposition is small (2-3%)
Most doctors are able to make a diagnosis based primarily on a simple physical examination. The symptoms of psoriasis are usually obvious and easily distinguished from other conditions that can cause similar symptoms. If the symptoms are unclear or the doctor wants to confirm the suspicion of the diagnosis, he will definitely take a small sample of the skin from us, which will be tested in the laboratory.
There is currently no effective cure for psoriasis. Therapy is primarily about alleviating symptoms. We divide into three categories.
Topical treatment
Creams and ointments applied directly to the skin help reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate psoriasis. These are products mainly based on corticosteroids and urea.
Systemic drugs
People with moderate to severe psoriasis, and those who have not been helped by cream treatments, may take oral medications or injections. Many of these drugs have serious side effects. Accordingly, doctors prescribe them for short periods. These are drugs containing methotrexate, cyclosporine, retinoids.
Light treatment
This treatment uses either ultraviolet (UV) or natural light. The sunlight destroys the white blood cells that attack healthy skin cells, causing them to grow rapidly. Both UVA and UVB light can help reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate psoriasis.
People with moderate or severe psoriasis can combine different treatments. Some people may use the same therapy throughout their lives. Others may need a treatment change from time to time if their skin stops responding to what they use.
In summary, psoriasis is a difficult and severe disease. Depending on the symptoms, it may also affect the mental health of the patient. He may isolate himself from others, have problems establishing relationships or finding a good job. Do not hesitate, make an appointment with an online doctor.