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Respiratory physiotherapy: Why is it worth catching your breath in times of a pandemic?

Respiratory physiotherapy – what is it and why is it so important?

Pulmonary physiotherapy is nothing new and breathing exercises are also often used in other areas of rehabilitation.

Why is proper breathing so important? What is worth knowing in the face of COVID-19?

The assumptions of pulmonary rehabilitation include a comprehensive approach to a patient mainly affected by chronic respiratory diseases. They include, among others COPD, cystic fibrosis, sarcoidosis, lung cancer and bronchial asthma. Such therapy should also be applied to patients who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 symptoms.

Fizjoterapia oddechowa: Kobieta ubrana w szare spodnie, zieloną koszule i białe skarpety siedzi na niebieskim dywaniku w pozycji lotosa i wykonuje ćwiczenia oddechowe. Z tylu po lewej stronie widnieje kwitek.

A detailed treatment plan is selected individually depending on the diagnosis, age of the patient, concomitant diseases and general health of the patient. Therefore, for more accurate information, you should consult a specialist who, after conducting an examination, will adjust the intensity of the exercises.

Official recommendations of the National Chamber of Physiotherapists inform that during the coronavirus epidemic, respiratory physiotherapy is of key importance in the patient’s recovery.

The basis for the correct “activation” of the chest is the correct posture and the environment that allows you to achieve full comfort, both physical and mental. An attack of dyspnea often causes a patient’s panic, which is why it is so important to educate the person under treatment (and their family) – how to act in the event of worsening of symptoms. The quickest way to save yourself is to take a deep breath, hold your breath, and try to release it slowly through your mouth. This operation should be repeated several times until the so-called “Mute”. Pose positions that facilitate lung ventilation are also helpful.

The aims of the therapy of the aforementioned respiratory diseases include:

– Reducing disease symptoms or slowing its progression,

– Improvement of the respiratory track,

– Improvement of physical efficiency, etc.

Remember that it is the properly functioning respiratory system that supplies the remaining tissues of the body with oxygen!

Although it often seems to us that the dysfunction of one system is only a local pathology, one should be aware of the existing cause-effect relationships. A person with respiratory insufficiency, accompanied by cough, shortness of breath, and thus fatigue, often gives up physical activity, which results in muscle weakness, decreased efficiency and, as a result, aggravation of this condition. Ultimately, in a nutshell, a person becomes disabled.

Bearing in mind this difficult moment for all of us, I encourage you to systematically improve the correct respiratory cycle and to use teleconsultation services with your physiotherapist. Acting prudently, we act for the benefit of ourselves and others!

Writer: Małgorzata Lepak

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