The price of EllaOne in pharmacy is 100 PLN;
Time after action: the pill works up to 120 hours after intercourse;
Effectiveness: Its efficiency is 99,7%;
The price of Ecapelle in pharmacy 40 PLN;
Time after action: the pill works up to 72 hours after intercourse;
Effectiveness: 99%, but Escapelle becomes less effective 24 hours after intercourse;
The price of Misstala in pharmacy is 80 PLN;
Time after action: the pill works up to 120 hours after intercourse;
Effectiveness: Its efficiency is 99,7%;
The price of Livopill in pharmacy 40 PLN;
Time after action: the pill works up to 72 hours after intercourse;
Effectiveness: 99%, but Escapelle becomes less effective 24 hours after intercourse;
* the cost of “emergency contraception” doesn’t include the price of a pill itself.
The doctor will contact with You as soon as possible, usually within 60 minutes; in exceptional circumstances, the contact will take place not later than 23:00. Registering for a consultation / continuing pharmacotherapy after 23:00 can be done the next morning.
If vomiting occurs within 3 hours of ingestion, the pill must be repeated;
The pill must not be repeated in the same menstrual cycle.
Throughout Europe, apart from Poland, the “morning after pill”, also known as the emergency pill, is available without prescription. In Poland, according to the law, pharmacies can dispense such drugs only if the patient shows them a prescription.
Usually a doctor will contact you within an hour of registration. Up to 23:00 on the same day.
You will get an e-prescription. At the pharmacy, all you need to do is enter your Pesel number and 4-digit code, which you will get from the doctor online. It is a new system in Poland, introduced only from January 2019. As a result, each prescription is signed and sent electronically to the system by a doctor. It is safe and convenient.
Yes, we will refund the money for the paid consultation.
The cost of online medical consultations to obtain a prescription for an emergency tablet is PLN 79.
The morning after pill is one form of emergency contraception which aims to prevent conception after unprotected sexual intercourse. Currently, there are 3 types of emergency tablets at the Polish market: EllaOne tablet, Escapelle tablet, Misstala tablet.
Escapelle is an emergency contraceptive. The drug is used up to 72 hours after unprotected sex.
EllaOne is a contraceptive belonging to the family of the so-called pills “after”. It is used in an emergency to prevent unwanted pregnancy for up to 120 hours after intercourse.
Livopill is an emergency contraceptive. The drug is used up to 72 hours after unprotected sex.
The advantage of using the pill is its high effectiveness in preventing pregnancy. For the first 24 hours after unprotected intercourse, the effectiveness of emergency contraception is 99%.
The contraceptive pill is the only effective method of emergency contraception that protects against pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse.
EllaOne tablet works for up to 120 hours (5 days) after sexual intercourse. The Escapelle works up to 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected intercourse.
The World Health Organization has recognized ellaOne as a safe drug. The risk of side effects with correct use of the pill is small. Protect yourself against an unexpected pregnancy.
Prescription for emergency contraception online? It is simple in today’s technology age. After an online medical consultation, You will receive an e-prescription and an emergency tablet will be available to you at any pharmacy.
Telemedyk will contact You within 60 minutes of payment. Don’t worry, you can be sure that You will to take the emergency pill on time. Contraceptive pills e-prescription without leaving home.
Fill in a short form so that Telemedyk can issue You an e-prescription for a contraceptive pill.
Pay for the consultation where You will get an e-prescription for an emergency pill
Your e-doctor will contact You to arrange a convenient teleconsultation.
Enjoy professional online medical advice and get Your prescription for birth control pills
Now You have a prescription for emergency contraception and You can buy "pill after" at any pharmacy
But if necessary, he will always provide quick, effective and professional help – this is Your virtual doctor. My name is Marcin Łata, I will provide You with professional medical assistance via teleconsultation. So far, I have conducted over 10,000 telemedicine consultations (online, chat, video call, by phone).
Registration 24h / 7.
mgr Aleksandra Mulawa, Lublin – psychologist in the course of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, special educator
mgr Piotr Chabros, Lublin – psychotherapist, psychologist
mgr Jolanta Suchłabowicz, Warsaw – psychologist, psychotraumatologist
mgr Małgorzata E. Lepak, Rzeszów – physiotherapist, Okiem Fizjoterapeuty
lek. med. Jacek Ściborowicz, Tarnów – aesthetic medicine cabinet MediVita
Camping „Dunajcowy” & Spływy Dunajcem, Tarnów, Dąbrówka Szczepanowska”
You can leave your opinion after the consultation here.
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