Online psychologist for free
Free and anonymous psychological and psychiatric help “Pomoc w Kryzysie”
Psychologist online for free and Psychiatrist online for free.
In addition, I encourage You to familiarize Yourself with the materials of the Psychiatry Clinic in Lublin, specially prepared
for Patients experiencing mental difficulties on YouTube
Online psychological help in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic
Psychological counseling, referred to as psychological advice by the National Health Fund (NFZ), is one of the most frequently used forms of assistance for people who experience all kinds of development crises.
Online psychological help or an online psychiatrist? Free and anonymous psychological and psychiatric help “Pomoc w Kryzysie” – in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
What is online psychological help for free?
Online Psychiatrist Advices For Free?
Free online psychologist?
Online psychological help?
How does it work?
Do not hesitate, contact a professional doctor today
Just call 603-914-505 or 603-914-489 and a online psychologist will provide you free psychological help
You can always continue your medications that You are taking permanently
or use another online medical consultation.
E-prescription – this is Your virtual doctor. My name is Marcin Łata, I will provide You with professional medical assistance via teleconsultation. So far, I have conducted over 10,000 telemedicine consultations (online, chat, video call, by phone).
Registration 24h / 7.
mgr Aleksandra Mulawa, Lublin – psychologist in the course of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, special educator
mgr Piotr Chabros, Lublin – psychotherapist, psychologist
mgr Jolanta Suchłabowicz, Warsaw – psychologist, psychotraumatologist
mgr Małgorzata E. Lepak, Rzeszów – physiotherapist, Okiem Fizjoterapeuty
lek. med. Jacek Ściborowicz, Tarnów – aesthetic medicine cabinet MediVita
Camping „Dunajcowy” & Spływy Dunajcem, Tarnów, Dąbrówka Szczepanowska”
You can leave your opinion after the consultation here.
Possibility of reimbursing drugs
- 601 539 399
- Pomoc w Kryzysie
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